

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
Hi, we have just become members at byc and litlte unsure how to start a thread and find an answer. We have got three Australorps 12 weeks old one is a rooster does anyone know what height they will be approx?
If someone reply to this we know we are on the right track thanks
to start a thread you go to a topic you are interested in for instance "Breeds" you will find a section below it that says "start a new thread." Then you ask your questions
telling the breed, age and anything else is pertinent.

If you want to post a reply to an existing thread you will find a section below that say "post reply"
Welcome and I am also brand new to chickens and having a ball! This is the next breed of chicken that I want...keep us posted on how you are doing with them!
thanks for the help drumstick just followed your info and started new thread for size of australorp
Thank you everyone, we are well away on starting new threads now

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