Australorps that are very friendly?


10 Years
May 8, 2009
So, I begged my mom to take me to our local CO-OP yesterday because the hccks were here. Just for a peek, rght? Well, I ended up convincing her to bring home two Australorps. I'd wanted them since last year, but they had already sold out of them when we started getting chicks last year. Anyway, I've noticed that these little guys love me to death. They like to cuddle and sit on my shoulder. I've never seen such friendly chicks. They didn't run when I picked them out at the store ike the other chicks did. They also come right up to me when I try to pick them up. They're so cute. I've been wondering now, are Australorps typically more friendly than other breeds?
No not really, their temperments normaly are dictated by the way they are raised as chicks and young adults.

I have an australopr and I love her lol
what the poster said above is right, some are just skiddish even if handled well as chicks, my other two chickens were skiddish up until they started laying.
I am an Australorp freak! I have 3, and 3 more coming! My girls are the sweetest things ever! Theres one named Mable, she follows my 8 yr old around the backyard like a little puppy! They are awesome! We refer to ours as the Pointer Sisters... most of our birds have Musican names. We have Elvis and Prisilla too.
Also, Them Australorps lay early 'bout 16 weeks of age, and pretty much lay daily! Good Luck! I'm sure you'll really get attached to them!
In my experience Australorps have been much more tame than some of my other birds. They're almost as curious an inquisitive as my Delaware hens.

Good birds, great laying ability, you'll love em.
I hatched some out from Hinkjc, and they were three of the friendliest birds we have ever had. Chiquita, Lolita and Rita. They looked like Spanish beauties and I loved them so much. Very friendly birds, and they came when their name was called, especially Chiquita.

It is almost unforgivable that you haven't posted pics though
Australorps are awesome! We bought 12 hens and ended up with one packing peanut, and those were the thirteen nicest chicks on the planet. They also lay about 1,000 eggs a week.

If there was some kind of emergency, and I was grabbing what I could, I know for certain, without even thinking about it... Our Australorps would go with us!
An example of how tame they are... When I bought the girls, they were about 13 weeks old, and I didn't grab a large enough pen for them, so we had to hold them in the mini van... both kids had one, and I had one riding "shotgun" in the fron passenger seat! She sat there like she's been riding in cars her whole life. I would have loved to seen the look on peoples faces that passed us and saw a chicken looking out through the passenger side window!

One of the girls got soaken wet last fall, so we brought her in and had to blow dry her! She just sat their, Kam fed her treats... I bet she felt like a queen!
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Eatin'Dirt :

I have had a good amount of Australorps. They are always the most friendly chickens! I love them for that. I prefer the friendly chickens.

from SC!!! You are going to be addicted to this site soon!​

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