Automatic chicken door with no power and no timer

Great design(s) and Great video!
All fact, no fluff!
Could you link the door lock video here too please @mcfarnell ?
Hope you make an update here reporting how it held up long term.

Thank you! I've had this door in place for about three months, and so far it's holding up great. The chicks have grown, so I've had to adjust the counter-weight a couple of times. Also, one of my kids climbed in the coop and pulled on the bar, breaking my line. And I am noticing the line is fraying a bit where it slides on one of the pulleys. So maybe I need a stronger line or a cable.

I actually haven't made the door lock video yet, but here is the guy I got the idea from.
Also, one of my kids climbed in the coop and pulled on the bar, breaking my line.... And I am noticing the line is fraying a bit where it slides on one of the pulleys.
Oops! Kinda surprised, either they really wailed on it or it wan't as sturdy as it looked.
Have had the fraying happen, but that was using eyebolts as 'pulleys, getting things lined up just right can really help.

I actually haven't made the door lock video yet, but here is the guy I got the idea from.
Yes, have seen that one.

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