automatic drinking cups chicken


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 3, 2013
newport souht wales uk
hello sorry if this have been asked befor when using a automatic drinking cups for chicken or ducks what is the best way to feed meds vitaims in them and then back to water and have you got to put some think in the water to stop mould or slime what you think of the automatic drinking system thank you paul
You can just add the meds/vitamins/supplements to the water the same you would if it was a normal waterer. If you're only treating for a little while, and your water system is large, then just don't fill it up all the way, and not too much water will be wasted. Or, you can set up a temporary watering system in the form of a normal waterer or plastic cups, and then go back to the automatic watering system when the treatment is over. I've used both methods before; both work fine.

As for preventing mold/slime from building up, I use a disinfectant known as Oxine to do that. You put 1/8 teaspoon Oxine (it comes in a huge bottle that lasts a long time) per gallon of drinking water. Even in the summer heat, I rarely get algae growth in my waterers as long as I use Oxine. In the dosage used, it does not hurt the birds drinking it, either.
thank you for replying can you tell me some think different than disinfectant known as Oxine as we in the uk cant find it what can i use thank you paul

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