Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

Have your birds been affected by the Avian Flu?

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How has the Avian Flu effected your flock?
If any of your birds have been infected, how did you overcome this and make sure it didn’t spread to the other birds? Treatment methods?

My flock has not yet been infected, thank God.

Some things I found interesting.

Everyone should take extra precautions to make sure our birds don’t get it. Like if you go to a fair, friends house, farm, etc anywhere with other birds don’t touch the birds to lower the chance of giving it to your flock
Man, the views in this thread are more scary than the avain flu is! It must be nice to think everything is made up, exaggerated and false. Like, if it's not in an archaic religious text somewhere, it must be some kind of government leftist conspiracy to kill what we love and steal our freedom! Seems like a really easy cop out to having rational and evolving thoughts on today's ever evolving issues.

Broaden your scopes past the precious babies in your tiny backyard setup and realize that this is a problem. Not just for YOU, IF your birds get sick, but for everyone.
You seem cool. :highfive:
I personally think this bird flu is only to make prices for meat and eggs sky rocket
foil hat tinfoil kevin GIF by The Tick

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