avian pox...other sysmptoms aside from the sores?


Happy Joyous & Free
9 Years
Oct 21, 2010
My Java has been listless the last 24 hours. I noticed when she didn't coming running for the scratch yesterday. Then I had to put her in the coop last night because she had hunkered down in the bushes. This morning she had moved into the run and then out to her favorite perch. she's really calm and quiet and will let me pick her up and inspect her (which is not usually the case). I noticed some dark spots on her comb that could be pox.

I've been reading up on avian pox but the only symptoms mentioned are the sores. Is there something else I should be looking for?
Any words of wisdom?
Never heard of avian pox causing them to act sick. Mine only had the dry form, though, not the wet. The spots could be pox but it's pretty hard to tell them from peck marks, and if she is sh=ick they could be pecking her just for that reason.

You didn't give much info; there's a sticky at the beginning of the emergencies forum that asks feed, age, living situation, etc. There are so many things it could be. I don't know how prone to eggbound and internal laying Javas are. Could she have gotten into something spoiled or some moldy feed? Did you check the feed -- sometimes it can come from the store spoiled. Here's a couple of references for chicken diseases:


sorry your hen isn't feeling well, if you have been reading up on avian pox then you know there are 2 kinds dry and wet, have you looked into her mouth to see if there are any lesions there if so then it might be wet which is not good. dry pox will run it's course and you need to separate her from the rest of your flock. Do you have alot of mosquitos where you are? also heres a link to treating chicken illnesses naturally, pox is on ther down the page quite a ways.
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Java is about a year old. Small flock of 4 hens. Pretty new bag of laying pellets. All other chickens very frisky.
Her egg production has been down and her brown eggs have been tan the last few times she laid.
She does seem to have a loose stool and I can't tell if she's eating or drinking because I have been at work.
Eyes were bright and alert this morning.

The flock free ranges in a large area in my urban back yard. Coop has deep litter and was recently cleaned out and fresh pine bedding added.

I'm going to bring her inside tonight.
The black spots are dry and only on her comb.
My EE does pick on her so it's possible it's just from pecking.
It must have been something she ate. She seems just fine this morning...right back in the mix with the rest of the gang.
I'm keeping an eye on her still... still seems strange it came and went out of the blue.

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