Aviaries & safe plants


In the Brooder
Jan 31, 2017
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
I started to build my quail aviary yesterday, and I plan to finish it without any cost. I simply do not like having the wire bottom cages and whatnot for an animal that seems much happier outside. So, my plans are to build it like a chicken run with a nest box to one side (more for shelter than laying). It currently stands 12*6*6 and will house my three quail. I only have chicken wire, so I was thinking the bottom part should be wrapped twice to leave a much smaller gap there. Already growing in the area is a fern and a variegated Ivy. I was thinking of planting Mint, oregano, and cilantro in there for them. Figuring plants that they can't kill too easily. Are these safe? Other suggestions for plants? Also does anyone else have an outdoor aviary for theirs? Care to share pictures? Thanks!



Not exactly an aviary but this is my eglu with 2 meter run I added hardware cloth 1/4 inch around bottom as a cat killed 2 of my girls ! X They had been out for 5 months with no problems but since the boy started crowing drew attention unfortunately ! X I have 5 grasses in their run which they love to hide under they tend to lay eggs under them too ! X I had some living herbs in there which they like to nibble on ! X I would recommend they have a sand box they love to dust bathe (they also do this in the straw in their house and bark chippings outside) and some places to hide I have 2 igloos, a tunnel and a little bridge ! X :)
I was not going to include a sandbox, because a part of the aviary has very dusty soil. I thought about laying ashes down though, thoughts? Have you had any problem with snakes in this specific enclosure? That currently is my largest concern.
Living in the uk we don't have snakes but others have said on here from America that they have to use the smallest hardware cloth which I think is 1/4 inch to protect them. It called aviary mesh here in the uk I found it at a local DIY store ! X they love bathing in soil too so they should be fine not sure on the ashes never tried it ! X they will like the mint, sage, lavender, mine like coriander, chives, dill, like most berries such as raspberries, black and blue berries, they love alfalfa sprouts, pea shoots, watercress, spinach, broccoli, radish, sweetcorn is a massive favourite they like peas, kale, tried pomergranate seeds which they like too I put some mealworms and bird seed in their sandbox so they can scratch around for it keeps them entertained ! X how old are your quail ? X I have had mine for 7 months and I adore them I love sitting and watching them running around and their cricket noises are sooo cute plus going for an egg hunt everyday is quite fun too ! X
I have had mine for nearly a year. They were kept outside before in a cheap TSC chicken coop. It's roof caved in though, so I decided to make something 6 times bigger. Right now they are living in my brooder and i am itching to use the brooder for chicks and quail eggs again though. I also keep leopard geckos and other exotics so I always have a surplus of meal worms, since I breed them, so I will second that they enjoy the worms. Mine eat a large bit of bugs anyways. I was thinking of maybe doing a butterfly bush in their enclosure for cover. Of course we live on 164 acres so they get plenty of wild berries. This summer I am hoping to start enlarging my garden to feed all my poultry. As to the hardware cloth, That is on the list for possible purchases for this project. I keep tons of extra stuff so I hope there is some laying around.
Hi there :) chicken wire is made to contain chickens, and sometimes even roosters break through it. Rats and weasels can easily get in and raccoons and fox can cut it with their teeth.

I would recommend hardware cloth, 1/4" so you don't have to worry about anything ripping bits off your quail or mice getting in their feed, snakes or even hornets trying to get their treats :p

It's the most costly piece but worth the investment. You could save on it by using plywood for some parts if that's more cost effective for you. TSC has it on sale sometimes. Also want to consider digging predators with buried wire perimeter or patio stones which you can usually find free.

The quail won't shelter from rain and wind so you'll have to prepare for that if you didn't know :p I like to plant finch seed mix (Millet etc) and clover, alfalfa and chia :)
Also I've heard fern and ivy can be toxic so I would look up those particular kinds that you mentioned in your first post - I know quail like to munch on hostas :p
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I'm just about finished with my aviary. My quail are in it and so happy already! I'm putting plants in too. I have a small clump of ornamental grass. I put several clumps of comfrey. It gets big and they can hide under it, plus it's high in protein if they decide to eat it. I put some ferns in and mint. I think I may add more herbs and maybe some everygreens for hiding places and winter foliage.
I'm just about finished with my aviary. My quail are in it and so happy already! I'm putting plants in too. I have a small clump of ornamental grass. I put several clumps of comfrey. It gets big and they can hide under it, plus it's high in protein if they decide to eat it. I put some ferns in and mint. I think I may add more herbs and maybe some everygreens for hiding places and winter foliage.
Where did you find the Comphrey? I have read that quail will void things that are not good for them so you don't really have to worry.

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