Avoiding Mareks disease


In the Brooder
Feb 27, 2021
Im watching my neighbors flock while she is out of town, but her flock has Mareks. She’s lost half her flock and a peacock to the disease, but has now leveled out on the losses. My flock is a bit older and I read they’re less likely to get it after 40 weeks, my youngest bird is about 50 weeks, but I don’t want to bring it home to my chickens and ducks. What would anyone recommend to avoid contaminating my birds, aside from sanitizing myself and a change of clothes in between?
Mareks actually is spread in the feather dust and dander. If your neighbor has Mareks, you should not even go over there. But it may spread to your yard if you are close, and wild birds can spread it as well. Clothing, hair, shoes, and equipment can bring in diseases.

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