Awful chick

Can you make a little jail for it? I've had to separate quail for this reason, I used a cardboard box and cut out one side and put in hardware cloth so they can still see each other. Make sure it has its own food and water and heat obviously. What's your brooder set up like?
I posted a picture of the brooder. I might have to make a jail for it, this is getting to be too much. It’s obsessive with pecking the welsummer.
I posted a picture of the brooder. I might have to make a jail for it, this is getting to be too much. It’s obsessive with pecking the welsummer.
Sometimes isolation does the trick, hopefully it does. Sometimes you just have a bully bird, my EEs are definitely top of the pecking order and the one I suspect is a cockerel is definitely the bossiest.
So i had an existing clutch of 5 chicks in my brooder. 2 salmon faverolles, 2 cuckoo marans and 1 Welsummer. All about three weeks old and female.

i got three more birds, all three weeks old too. 1 EE, 1 red sex link and 1 Turken. Put them in the brooder.

The EE goes out of her/his way to be absolutely awful to all the other chicks. The Turken and red sex link all get along with the current girls. But this EE is evil. I’ve never seen anything like it and I don’t know what to do. It’s obsessed with pecking everyone, specifically loves going after the Welsummer. Anyone have any tips to break this? I can’t keep a bird if it’s going to continue to be bad.
Same here got an EE and definitely mean to everyone. In my experience you'll let her know you are top pecking order and I have had to stay in the hen house and let a few know I will not tolerate bad behavior. It changes over time and during molting season as they age my worse one is now submissive.
How did it go?
I isolated her for a few days, reintroduced. Now my marans are keeping her in line. I didn’t think a 3 week old chick could be so awful. Lol. She’s still terrible, but if she’s extra terrible, my cuckoos come out of nowhere and pin her down.
Give them some vertical space to hang out in as well, more places for the victims to escape to. That perch thing looks like it's lower than the brooder plate... That's a height for day-olds. Give them something tall to climb onto. Things to hide behind. More places to escape and to break up the visual field so the bully isn't as tempted to go after the victim(s).

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