Ayam Cemani Tongue?

Blue Eager

6 Years
Oct 30, 2017
I have 2 week old Cemanis (6). I just examined all of them closely. Every part of them is jet black. However, their tongues are a gryish tan tint. My question is; Is this standard for this breed due to their age & will their tongues darken as they mature?

Thank you.
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They will most likely darken with age. Mine started off like this. One even had a single white feather on his wing which went away with age. It has something to do with one of the 2 lines that are out there. I believe the one that has the single white feather was from the california line.
Thank you sooooo much amyburemt!

These Ayam's are direct decedents from GreenFire. As mentioned before every part of them is black including the inside of their mouth. No discoloration in their nails or beak which judging by photographs is often the case. The inside of their mouth is also jet black except for a slight discoloration in their tongues. I am almost positive this too will darken with age as pigmentation (with all species) takes time to fully develop.
Here are the little cemanis at almost 2 wks (this coming Friday)...


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they look good to me. my little ones looked pretty much like this and now they are 2 years old and a good color black. occasionally if the light hits them right i can see a little red through the black on their combs but my understanding is that this is also normal. ultimately though they are majorly black and shiny. Greenfire is the other one i couldn't think of so there is the line in cali and greenfire in florida. This breed seems to be slow in taking off in other areas and even though they are expensive they are gorgeous. mine lay some really nice dark brown eggs that are a large egg. i have found them to be an easy breed to work with and i usually don't have any big issues with them and have bred a couple of mine and incubated the eggs. I have them in with my buff orpington hens, ducks, and female turkeys and they all seem to get along together fine. during the day i just let them run around and they come back in on their own at night.
It’s nice to know their temperament is good although I plan to keep them separated for breeding purposes. I currently have my Blue Ameracuana’s & Lavender Ameracuana’s separated from the others as well.

Most of the photos I have seen show light brown eggs so it's nice to know yours are dark brown. A darker color just seems to fit this breed better.

Thanks again amyburemt!

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