B.Y.C. trivia challenge tonight. And the winner is....


There is no H or F in Orpington!
14 Years
Jul 13, 2008
Braymer Missouri
At 8 pm EST, the first of two official "Trivia Challenge" for March will begin. ONE WINNER!!!!

The winner will be awarded a one year Golden Feather Membership!!!!

This contest will send you on a hunt to various parts of BYC, our sister sites, and even some of our sponsors’ websites!
A few tips and rules:

1. Open 2 or 3 windows (or use tabbed browsing if you have it). Keep one window open to the contest and use the other windows to search for your answers. The questions will all be posted right here in post #1. (You will be asked to post links, also known as URLs, as answers to some questions).

2. Don’t post pictures or custom smilies, and only one or two regular smilies if you really must (we do not want to slow anyone down).

3. Please number your answers so I can more easily find them and tally the score.

4. One point for the correct answer – that’s it.

5. Don’t edit your post once you've answered – that’s it, no more answers. If you change your mind you can post again. Edited posts will not count.

6. One question will be posted at a time, with three minutes between each question. Whoever answers first with the correct answer will win the point. Whoever wins the most points WINS the Membership!!

7. Have FUN.... and good luck!

GO! The winner is Tiramisu! 8 questions were answered correctly and first by Tiramisu. Congratulations!
You all did very well! I could hardly keep up.



1. Who authored the Sufficient Self blog called Potatoes for dummies?
Answer: johnelarue

2. Visit the site eggcartons.com Post the link to their customer testimonials.
Answer: http://www.eggcartons.com/CustomPages/reportcard.php

. Find houndit's easy goat cheese recipe on B.Y.H. (hint: you can look in his profile.)
Answer: http://www.backyardherds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3334

. What is the boxing charge for each variety or sex of less than a quarter of a box at
http://www.idealpoultry.com/ ?
Answer: $1.00

5. What is the cost of the cow baby bib in the B.Y.C. store?
Answer: $8.00

6. What Sample recipe for the B.Y.C. cookbook is shown in the B.Y.C. store?
Answer: NO BAKE COOKIES Submitted by Nifty-Chicken, and NiftyChick

7. What kind of Guineas does Mt.Healthy offer? http://www.mthealthy.com/
: French

8. Who authored the Food Preservation Sites sticky post on The Easy Garden?
Answer: Hattie the Hen

9. Who helped Nifty-Chicken write Raising Chickens For Dummies? Note. Provide the B.Y.C. username.
Answer: Gardeninggranny

10. Look in the Homemade Incubator pages. Find the link for the Old Drawer Incubator.
Answer: https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=16733-old-drawer-incubator

. Post the link to Nifty-Chicken's wife's profile.
Answer: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/profile.php?id=251

. Post a link to the page showing all B.Y.C.s sponsors.
Answer: https://www.backyardchickens.com/LC-supplies.html

. Post a link to the Turkey Pic of the Week.
Answer: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=3663547

. Post a link to the egg color chart created by Cats Critters
Answer: https://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=4439-egg-color-chart

. Post a link to the predator page about Mountain Lions.
Answer: https://www.backyardchickens.com/LC-MountainLion.html

. Find the page about Mareks Disease in the learning center and post the link here.
Answer: https://www.backyardchickens.com/LC-diseases-Mareks.html

. How many Auctions are Golden Feather Members allowed every 30 days.
Answer: 20

18. Post a link to The Sussex thread.

19. Post a link to the new duck housing thread.
Answer: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=3727586#p3727586

is the last question. You are all doing really well!

20. Post the link to this years Thank the Staff Day thread.
Answer: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=303588
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