babies just hatched


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 13, 2008
But I am not sure what is going on with them, one seems fine, but the other two are just laying on their sides sleeping, is that norma? They are breathing as I see movement, but not chirpy and moving around. I just don't know what to expect, this is first time hatching ever.
If they just hatched and are still wet it's normal for them to lay around and rest. They're tired after all that work getting out of the shell! Once they dry off and rest a little they'll get chirpier (is that a word?).
they seem just to chirp once in a while, then they sleep, a lot, seems like their eyes are not quite developed yet either.
I once thought most of my crew were dead because the would spread their feathers out and lay on their sides to sleep. AND the above post is correct...IF they just hatched that is very normal. They sleep ALOT up until they are dried off. Good luck. Let us know how they do. Only keep them in the incubator for up to a day and than you have to dip their beaks in the water to make sure they learn how to drink.
Do you have pictures? That may help someone help you. I hope they are ok. Usually they will sleep...get up and walk a bit and than sleep etc...if they are laying there for more than like 30 min at a time than their may be something wrong with them.
two of them are doing well, and are kinda moving around, the other is sleeping a lot so I turned him over, he is breathing but not like the other two. no pix, don't have camera
could I make a brooder out of an old aquarium, or would that be too hot for them? I can go to wally world and get a plastic storage bin for them, that might work.
I used a big plastic tote for my chick, when her mama disappeared. It worked really well, just remember that you need one that is fairly long, so they have room to get away from the heat. Plus if you keep it in your house, a 40 watt light bulb in the heat lamp is more than enough.
one did not make it, but the other two are out of the bator and into their own brooder. It cost me about 20 dollars for everything. i have 2 more that are starting to pip, I should have 2 more by morning, not sure about the last one, does not look good, but who knows maybe it will stil hatch.

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