Baby BO seems to not have balance and chirps oddly (video)

She seems to be improving since last night. She gets around pretty good now with the hobble and can make her way to the water and drink. She's still not eating very well but she has stopped the panting/gasping/chirp. Every couple hours I make her a mash of warm water, mealworms and medicated starter and she gobbles it up. I have been massaging her crop too. I had to feel all the other chick necks and breast to see what it's supposed to feel like, I'm not to keen on chicken anatomy yet :/ I don't think it was full or anything but I could feel a little bit of a few small lumps in there. I'm super stoked she's felling better. :D When I get home today I'm going to take off the bandaid and see how she's doing. Oh, I also put paper towels down but the other chicks are scratching it and tearing it up so I may just go get some pine bedding.
Today I'm going to put them in a larger plywood brooder I made since a couple are flying and there all getting bigger.
Thanks again everyone for the suggestions!!
Oh no!!! We woke up this morning and checked on her and she died in the night. She seemed like she was doing better but also regressing at times so I separated her after she started looking better the first time to give her space from the other chicks and hopefully recover. I guess it didn't help. :(

Now we have an even dozen healthy chicks. Here's hoping we don't have any more get sick! Thanks again to everyone that tried to help me fix this little one.
Im very sorry for your loss, not a bakers dozen but a dozen any way

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