Baby chick is dying ! What do I do ?


In the Brooder
Jan 7, 2017
Hello everybody,
I have a chick who was completely fine yesterday morning running and playing with her brothers and sisters then in the evening I went to check on them, as usual, and I noticed that, unlike the other chicks, she was puffing her feathers and moving really really slowly sometime not moving at all and either sitting or standing up unmotionless from her spot for a while .I caught her to check what is wrong but she seems, from the outside, completely fine. I didn't know what to do I cleaned their coop and their water and everything and this morning she seems even worse so I separated her from the others and I noticed she had a really really runny poop sometimes it's dark green, sometimes the Color of pistachio and now a light brown but it is really runny she does not move at all and still puffing her feathers, I don't know what is wrong ? What can I do ??? :(:(
Here is a picture of the chick


Please, any advice before it's too late ? The poor thing is breaking my heart I don't want her to die .is there any chance for me to save her ?
Possible Cocci? I'm not sure though, i just had a chicken that died from that, so i am always thinking about it being a possibility. Have you let them outside to free range at all?
i hope some other reply, not the most experienced here.
Not sure if this is cocci, there would be bloody poop... Get some a gallon of water and mix in two tbs of sugar, give as necessary. Or you could try getting a tbs of apple cider vinegar and mixing it with a gallon of water and doing the same. Put her under a heat lamp or wrap her in a heating pad. Note if she is eating or not, you may need to syringe some water into her beak. Give her some cuddles and then keep her warm. Just make sure your there for her. Oh and having some other chicks in a cage nearby helps, because the chirping of the others will keep her more awake
Hello everybody,
I have a chick who was completely fine yesterday morning running and playing with her brothers and sisters then in the evening I went to check on them, as usual, and I noticed that, unlike the other chicks, she was puffing her feathers and moving really really slowly sometime not moving at all and either sitting or standing up unmotionless from her spot for a while .I caught her to check what is wrong but she seems, from the outside, completely fine. I didn't know what to do I cleaned their coop and their water and everything and this morning she seems even worse so I separated her from the others and I noticed she had a really really runny poop sometimes it's dark green, sometimes the Color of pistachio and now a light brown but it is really runny she does not move at all and still puffing her feathers, I don't know what is wrong ? What can I do ???

Here is a picture of the chick

Please, any advice before it's too late ? The poor thing is breaking my heart I don't want her to die .is there any chance for me to save her ?
Hi @Auroras How is your chick?

IF she were mine I would treat for Coccidiosis. Treatment is with Corid which can be found at your feed store or online - if you can't find some locally, contact your vet to see if they have any Corid or Coccidiostat (treatment for Cocci).

Cocci does not always present with bloody poop, there are 9 strains that affect chickens. Symptoms include diarrhea with mucous or blood, lethargy, having a puffed up appearance (huddling), loss of balance, going off feed.

Do the best you can to keep her hydrated.

Corid dosage is 1 1/2 teaspoons Corid powder per gallon or 2 teaspoons of 9.6% Corid liquid per gallon.
Give for 5-7 days - make sure this is the ONLY water available during that time period. Mix a fresh batch at least once a day.

After you finish the Corid treatment, offer some poultry vitamins and probiotics/yogurt.

Keep us posted.
Thank you so much everybody. I'll make sure to follow your instructions and hopefully she'll get better
When i treated my chicken i used Corid 9.6 (amprolium) We started treatment right away, she was an adult hen thought, but i think this works for chicks too. I use liquid form, it lasts longer that powdered. And if she has it, the others might two. treat the whole flock. Seperate her from the others into her own bin.
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Today, I noticed that her crop is swollen I touched it gently and I noticed that her crop is empty of food even though I saw her eat but it is full of water. Should I treat her for cocci nonetheless or is it some other disease ? I'm confused.

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