Baby Chick! Need some help


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 8, 2013
I had 3 baby chicks hatch yesterday I am sure more will come today and I am new at this! I tried to give the little ones some food but they were hiding under momma. Do I just put a bowl with some starter food in with them and water and let the mom show them? I am not sure what to do I know within 48hour they must eat but i need some advice on how to do this please!
A broody will sit on her chicks and eggs for a day or so, then take them to food and water and show them how to eat and drink. I'd give her some time. Her instincts should take care of things.
One other question I sat the food and water inside the house where they are at, however are we allowed to hold th chicks? I dont want to touch them if that makes the mom not want them? This may just be a old wise tale or something or maybe i am thinking about birds!
I will go and remove chicks about once a day to check them and the first day or two put their beaks into water and show them food crumbles on the floor. Sometimes the broody won't get off remaining eggs for a few days, and on day 3 I toss those eggs. I don't want the chicks to go that long without knowing how to drink.
Ok....So i went down and go the 2 chicks out and attempted to give them food and water they wanted nothing to do with it? I wetted their beeks but they had no interest in it or the food? They just kept chirping until i put them back with mom? I dont want them to be hungry but I guess nature will take its course?
The mom will probably teach her babies to eat and drink just keep an eye on her.

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