Baby Chick Not Growing Feathers


11 Years
Jun 13, 2013
I have a 3 week old lavender orpington that has not grown a single feather since I brought it home. Its body is growing and matches the size of its flock mates. I have never had a chick like this before. I have had slow feathering chicks, but never one that wasn't feathering out as it should.

Does anyone have any experience with a chick like this? Will it eventually grow feathers?


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First of all, that is by far the cutest chick ever! I had to read the beginning because I was going to ask her breed. I wonder if some breeds are slow to feather.
she looks healthy.
Thanks! She looks like an oversized chick. I have 7 other lavender orpington chick's that are feathering out as expected. One is slightly slower, but still coming along. This one has me wondering.
I am in Michigan so it varies from day to day. One day it barely makes 70 and the next it might be 95. We have had quite a few hot days in the last couple weeks though.
Do you brood in the basement?(if you have one) Temperature has some effect on feathering rate. Mine are brooder in around the 60s, & have a heating plate to warm up under. Everyone is almost feathered, except for this one, who's just slow to feather.
This peep is 3 weeks old.
Do you brood in the basement?(if you have one) Temperature has some effect on feathering rate. Mine are brooder in around the 60s, & have a heating plate to warm up under. Everyone is almost feathered, except for this one, who's just slow to feather.
This peep is 3 weeks old.View attachment 3165368
I brood mine in an insulated shed. The temperatures vary anywhere from 58 to upper 70s depending on our daytime highs and lows. I have a light for them to warm up under. I see you are from Michigan too so you know how are temperatures vary.

Thanks for sharing your picture. It is nice to see someone else with a late bloomer.

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