Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

2 new hatched chicks (SS/BCM) in breed cage for protection...and for gaining their sea legs.

I bought 4 for company...

Golden Sebright

bantam ameracauna

silky mix with extra toe..

Buff bantam cochin.
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The black/gray toned are your silvers, the dark one with some brown sitting alone here is your remaining gold.

If I had to guess the 'odd yellow mixed' color chick is your color egg layer. If you bought true Ameraucana you might be able to find a pic of the chicks online, but most places sell Easter Eggers as Ameraucana and they look at lot like mixed colors like that one. We have one pure Blue Splash Ameraucana and it looks very typical of the chicks you see in the photos, but our three Easter Eggers look very similar in multi color splashes. Our local farm stores and TSC sells Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas. Either way they are both lovely birds who lay great colored eggs :)
Good luck.
I had a baby die a couple nights ago. We brought her home when she was sick. :( but luckily tsc gave me a chick to replace the one who passed! She is so sweet! My family decided to name her teriyaki.
she and my other 5 chicks got along great since the moment I brought her home! :love
I had a baby die a couple nights ago. We brought her home when she was sick. :( but luckily tsc gave me a chick to replace the one who passed! She is so sweet! My family decided to name her teriyaki.
she and my other 5 chicks got along great since the moment I brought her home! :love

Sorry you had one pass away, it's always sad. But I am happy to hear they have you a new little baby! She is super cute :)
... she and my other 5 chicks got along great since the moment I brought her home! :love

Yep, they are very accepting of newcomers when they're little! I popped one more in a week after the first group arrived and they acted like she'd always been there. Pity they're such jerks about it when grown. I hate integrating.
Yep, they are very accepting of newcomers when they're little! I popped one more in a week after the first group arrived and they acted like she'd always been there. Pity they're such jerks about it when grown. I hate integrating.

You are totally on spot on that. We have three one year old hens and 16 new chicks. We have decided after our first experience with introducing new hens last year that we are giving our older ladies to my friend who took some of ours last year and just have a new flock raised together.
Margaret, Sophia, Bock, Bock-Bock, Christa and Easter Chicken figure out how to get downstairs to play! They are ten days old!



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