Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Are Olive Eggers different from Easter Eggers? If so, what's the difference? Just egg coloring?

An EE is produced by crossing a blue gene egglayer with any other chicken. The resulting eggs can be light beige to pinkish white, blue green and everything inbetween.

An OE is produced by crossing a blue gene egglayer with a dark (chocolate) brown gene egg layer such as Barnevelders, Welsummers, Marans, Penedesenca, and Empordanesas. The resulting eggs can be medium to dark olive green.
Buff Orpingtons, Blue-laced Wyandottes, Cuckoo Marans, Speckled Sussex, and Ameracaunas (although from other entries on this thread, they are probably Easter Eggers)

You lookin' at ME?


They do love balancing acts!

Isolated because he (?) pecks at the eyes of others.

Strutting their stuff...

Chicks and their baby roost

First one to the top!

Little Dickens (with apologies to Charles)

Cuddle huddle

It's not the photo - I'm just fuzzy!

Lookit that cute chick!
An EE is produced by crossing a blue gene egglayer with any other chicken. The resulting eggs can be light beige to pinkish white, blue green and everything inbetween.

An OE is produced by crossing a blue gene egglayer with a dark (chocolate) brown gene egg layer such as Barnevelders, Welsummers, Marans, Penedesenca, and Empordanesas. The resulting eggs can be medium to dark olive green.

Wow that's really good information! Thank you! Now I want an Olive Egger! :) Chicken math bites again.

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