Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


My wife buys fresh eggs from our neighbor. Bantam eggs are small, and almost everything I get goes in the incubator.

I noticed a large light green egg that looked out of place among the various shades of brown in the carton. I grabbed it, and stuck it in the incubator.

It hatched today.
One of our older babies, a Dominique - 11 weeks old, with our 5 week old babies. A Blue Copper Maran and two Lavender Orps we think. May be a Cuckoo in there. The Dominique is by far the sweetest of all we have.

Took my 10 chicks out for their first real romp in the outside today. I had to weed the garden (obviously!) so I took them out to explore with me. They spent probably close to an hour outside with me, chasing bugs, pecking at grass and veggie leaves, and romping and testing out their wings.

What is this magical place?!

Hey guys this is awesome!

Found them like this about 20 minutes after bringing them in to the brooder. Poor things wore themselves out.
Hey! Would love to share some baby pics (I've got a bunch!) but don't know how to post pics...any one have suggestions?

upload your pictures from your hard drive to
from there you copy the picture URL and when posting here, click the little image icon across the top of the reply box, it will pull up a dialog box for you to paste the url into, click OK and wala!

2 week old silkies. I have 8 and this is the second time today that she got in the roost. The others are still wondering how she got there. I think she's been practicing cause I just happened to watch her get up there again!

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