Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Here are my chicken pictures!!! About a month ago I got 2 Buff Orpingtons, 6 Barred Rock, 4 Partridge Rock, and 4 Ameraucanas (or Easter Eggers).

These are of one of my Buffs, her name is Briar Rose ^ Just Briar for short.

Cute little chickies

And here are two of them today, little over a month old. The Barred is named Ebony and the Ameraucana is named Cricket. :)
The size of the bulb doesn't matter as long as you can keep the right temp. Are you keeping them in your living space and for how long before moving them outside? It doesn't take a lot of watts to increase temp from 70 to 95 degrees. But you might find that even 2 chicks produce more chicken dust than you want in your living space for very long. The other question i have to ask you is: Why 2? Chickens are flock animals and do best in a group. If you get 2, and one dies, you'll have a hard time introducing a replacement. I recommend 3 as a minimum, 4 might be better. Space requirements wouldn't be that much greater.
I would definately agree it would create a much better group dynamic as well. they do produce a lot of dust I kept mine in an empty spare room so it wasn't bad but by 3-4 weeks with will need more space and then when they are fully feathered 5 & 6 weeks they can go in the coop. I have large tote I use the I use a large cardboard box by four weeks.
Thanks for your reply. I have been hearing that I should at least get three. I suppose if I can accommodate two, I can accommodate three. I live in the Mojave in California, the summers here get high 90s and the winters mid 30s sometimes. I was thinking of getting some speckled Sussex or some rhode island Reds. As for the bulb, I hear that I should only get the red kind because it calms them down. My house is usually around 70 to 75 degrees during the day, we'd keep them in the garage which might get up to 80 degrees because it of course doesn't have AC. so a red 60w is what I want?
I would definately agree it would create a much better group dynamic as well. they do produce a lot of dust I kept mine in an empty spare room so it wasn't bad but by 3-4 weeks with will need more space and then when they are fully feathered 5 & 6 weeks they can go in the coop. I have large tote I use the I use a large cardboard box by four weeks.
Mine are out in the coop 100% of the time at 4 weeks old.
Mine are out in the coop 100% of the time at 4 weeks old.
I would have up here but I did not trust having a heat lamp outside nor did I have such funds in order to do so. So I waited a bit to make sure they could handle the weather and when they were 8 weeks I put them outside with my bigger girls and they weathered our last 4 day winter snow rain and thunder storm quite well!

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