Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

thats so cool will you please tell me how you did that (what program?)
Sure would love to...

Well I tried to get this posted under 10 steps, it seems like a lot of info but it only took me 20 minutes to set it up, and this was the first live feed I ever did...

1. Install your webcam in the brooder (I tried using my GOPro with wifi the first time, and had some success with it, but the feed froze too much, I have my brooder right next to my computer so its just USB webcam, which has been the most consistent. You can try a bluetooth enabled webcam if your brooder is far from your computer)

2. Setup a free account on

3. SET UP A "CHANNEL" ON YOUR USTREAM ACCOUNT. First time I did this I forgot to setup a channel and had to go back and do this.

4. Once you have an account download USTREAM Producer (I think it defaults to your type of computer, cause I can only see the MAC version when I go to this page)

5. Install USTREAM Producer and launch the program on your computer

6. Once you initially launch Ustream Producer you will first have to login to your account, log into your account that you set up online in Step 2

7. Once in the program you will click ONCE (don't double click) on the webcam feed that should show up just below the main picture area, mine is labeled "Camera"

8. That will put the camera feed in the large window.

9. Bottom Left side you will see "Broadcast to Channel" Click on the drop down menu and you have to now select the channel you set up in your USTREAM account. Mine was Homestead 1770 : Baby Chick Cam

9. Now Simply Click the "Start Broadcast" button on the bottom Right and it should be online!

The delay is about 20 seconds or so.

GOOD LUCK and send me a message if you need some more details or troubleshooting!


See pic below of software screenshot.

One of my six RIR I'm so in love!
These are my 2 Ameracana chicks I got today. They are 2 weeks old. The lighter colored one is Henny and the darker is Jackie. I'm already in love with these babies.

These are my 2 new RIR I got today. They are also 2 wks old. They have yet to be named as my kids can't agree on names yet.

These 2 dolls are my 4 week old Barred Rock's. One is named Zebra and the other is still waiting on a name. We also got them today.

We are new to raising chicks and have 16 chickens ranging from ages 2-4 wks and also have 2 ducks who are 3 weeks old. I am hooked. If I'd known how much fun chicks are I would've started long ago.

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