Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

[COLOR=333333]got any idea on these breeds?[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]
Chick 1: Looks like a Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock. Well, I'm saying that because it looked like mine when they were babies. Chick 2 and 3 I'm not sure. Chick 4: possibly Barred Plymouth Rock.

My 3 Amigos <3
Hey i know this isn't the right place to post this but i have a really important question and none will answer me.
Hi i have a newborn and she seems to have had an injured foot. i put a bootie on her but she won't walk around or anything and only drinks when i dunk her beak in water. yesterday, i couldn't take it anymore, it looked like it was suffering so i took the booty and spraddle leg bad aid off. she started moving around but not much and still wouldn't eat or drink. She was getting pecked and ran over so now, i put another bootie back on and she is isolated. What should i do? should i cull? it doest really seem too sever i just want

to know how to fix it

this was her yesterday (first 12 hours of her life.


this is her now, possible a swollen knee?

Hey i know this isn't the right place to post this but i have a really important question and none will answer me.
Hi i have a newborn and she seems to have had an injured foot. i put a bootie on her but she won't walk around or anything and only drinks when i dunk her beak in water. yesterday, i couldn't take it anymore, it looked like it was suffering so i took the booty and spraddle leg bad aid off. she started moving around but not much and still wouldn't eat or drink. She was getting pecked and ran over so now, i put another bootie back on and she is isolated. What should i do? should i cull? it doest really seem too sever i just want to know how to fix it...

This probably is the wrong thread for this, but if nobody else is answering you anywhere... I'll give it a shot :(

I've had that kind of foot problem go both ways. The last batch I hatched out, there was one little guy ("Oreo") that was limping around on soft looking little feet, and he didn't even really like standing up. He'd sort of just roll and hobble. The other more active chicks would knock him over and cause him distress, so we gave him lots of out-of-the-box cuddle time, and after a day or two he'd gained enough strength to stand up normally... but he was clearly much smaller than his siblings, despite having the same parentage (silver laced wyandotte mixed with some sort of english game). Ultimately we concluded that he was probably just a little bit premature, "half-baked," but with time and care he was just fine.

Then again, in that same batch there were some eggs that didn't hatch with the others that I left incubating for another week, more out of inattention than any real hope they'd hatch. Five or six days later, another little guy hatched with a bum foot right before I was about to throw them out... but it looked like it didn't have any bones at all, just big blobby club foot. Suffice to say, felt pretty guilty about that... something clearly went weird/wrong with the hatch. Maybe humidity? Maybe turning? This guy was too far gone, and after a week of distressed peeping his foot was no better (in fact, worse).

So long story short? Other than making sure he's warm and has access to food and water and isn't roughed up too much not much I know of that you can do for him. It may clear itself up in a day or two... or it may be that he's malformed, or has suffered a serious injury from rough siblings, in which case he probably doesn't stand much of a chance. Hope he gets better!
Hey i know this isn't the right place to post this but i have a really important question and none will answer me.
Hi i have a newborn and she seems to have had an injured foot. i put a bootie on her but she won't walk around or anything and only drinks when i dunk her beak in water. yesterday, i couldn't take it anymore, it looked like it was suffering so i took the booty and spraddle leg bad aid off. she started moving around but not much and still wouldn't eat or drink. She was getting pecked and ran over so now, i put another bootie back on and she is isolated. What should i do? should i cull? it doest really seem too sever i just want

to know how to fix it

this was her yesterday (first 12 hours of her life.


this is her now, possible a swollen knee?

This is a good site to find info on Spraddle leg and what to do. I hope this helps.

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