Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

My new babies arrived today! I have no idea what any of them are, though I think three are some type of Polish judging by the bouffant down caps. :) Suggestions are welcome! Possible breeds include: Ancona, Easter Egger, Andalusian, Wyandotte, Dark Cornish, Delaware, Dominique, Jersey Giant, Brahma, Partridge Rock, Light Brown Leghorn, Hamburg, Sussex, German Spitzhauben Appenzeller, Buckeye, Sumatra, Cochin, Polish, Marans, Campine, Lakenvelder, Faverolles, Buttercup, Welsummer, Exchequer Leghorn, Sultan, Penedesenca, Ameraucana, Blue and Lavender Orpington largest. Maybe an Orp? side front back smallest, and weakest. Poor little girl!
Picture 2 & 3 look like mottled Cochins to me. Or at least that's exactly what my Cochins looked like.
5 day olds... Currently nicknamed Austra and Lorp.


Any guesses on gender on these? They are Speckled Sussex'es, at 5 weeks right now. My guess is that the lighter one's a dude. The darker one is a bit more camera shy (Out of 30 shots these were the best =] )

Any guesses on gender on these? They are Speckled Sussex'es, at 5 weeks right now. My guess is that the lighter one's a dude. The darker one is a bit more camera shy (Out of 30 shots these were the best =] )

Looks like 1 roo and 1 hen but.....I have two pullets about the age of your birds, these are confirmed pullets, that look like yours with a little more comb development than my other pullets. It's confusing at times!
Yes I believe the lighter one is indeed a Roo. Does he strut around, hop around and consistently challenge the other chickens, even the pullets?!
He's a bit of a baby, likes to climb up on our shoulders. We only have the two 5 week old's, the rest of the flock are 8 weeks, so he has a bit of a disadvantage in size, not really challenging the bigger ones. He's really nice to the other Sussex though. They usually keep together. I did find a long feather in the pot we put in for them (They like to huddle up in there, they can't really get up to the big roosts yet), so I don't know if he had pulled it out of one of the bigger ones or what had happened. But he certainly is a lot braver than the other one.

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