Baby Chick "Prolapse"?! HELP

New to chickens, new to BYC but this website is helped me more times than I can even count with my six month old, "Owning Chickens" adventure!! Had to finally break down and write a reply to this post. Late yesterday afternoon my 3 week old EE chick had a prolapse. I was horrified! So beyond panicked, I had a hard time even typing the words in the search line but relieved to find this post. I calmly sent my 16 yr old son to the store for Prep H (which he said he was okay with the girl at the counters odd look) and gave my lil' Matilda a bath, used the Prep H and q-tip and took care of it just like a seasoned Vet. It was a little scary and for anyone reading this in the future, ever so GENTLY is the key word here. Late around midnight it came back out too tired and too sad it might be a lost cause (due to the non-replies to the "Did she make it?" question other ppl asked) I went back to sleep and just prayed for a miracle. I am so very happy to report this morning it went back on own. She is running around, eating and drinking like nothing happen. I know this could happen again and she might have the infection issues I've read about but for now the my baby girl is good. I will post with updates happy or sad I promise! If I can help someone else in a similar situation I'm all for it !
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I have a 2 week old chick who was attacked by another hen and now has a prolapse, there is a flap of skin hanging off the prolapse and is catching the feces and preventing it from dropping. I am cleaning it regularly, but I am wondering if I should try to numb the area and remove the flap of skin. I have used salt water and preparation H, but I don't think it will really be beneficial until it can stay clean. Any information would be super helpful.
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