Baby chick with green fluid


10 Years
Jun 5, 2009
A baby chick was fine yesterday. Found her today on her side, eyes closed and unable to stand. She had 'pasty butt'.. I think... and I used a warm cloth to remove the poop. Underneath was a brown 'scab' that rubbed off. Green liquid flowed out and now it looks like intestines are oozing out. WHAT IS THIS and WHAT can I DO???

Please help!
I am not really able to help but hopefully someone else will see this. Could it be that the chick was stopped up? Maybe that was the green. Maybe the rest is because of prolapse? If prolapse I have seen some people recommend preparation h. Sorry I can't help...

The brown spot was the "Umbilical Cord" of a chick. Most likely it was in the intestines you saw coming out, and I am not sure of what treatment would even help that.

Bumping this up so perhaps someone with more knowledge will respond.
Not good, if it was green you could have infection too.

Be certain it eats and drinks and put a little neosporin on the bad area.

At first I was going to say, "Ah, green fluid, Vulcan chick"... but that wouldn't have been funny.
Thanks to everyone who responded. She didn't make it and I'm still trying to find out what happened. Never seen anything like it and HOPE I never do again. Awful.
OH, what a horrible thing!
No symptoms before this--episode--you say?

Sorry you had to come into BYC with an emergency!
Sorry you lost your little one. I once had an egg that had been abandoned by a broody hen and when I cracked it open I discovered a baby chick that was premature. The entire intestinal tract was clearly visible with no skin on it and it was the color of split-pea soup.

Perhaps it was the intenstines.

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