Greetings! I am new here and would love some help. I bought some Pure blue Ameraucana baby chicks from a woman claiming to have a Heritage Farm near me, however when I recieved the chicks they were in very sad condition. One of them had a deformed skull and mal-aligned beak. The other two, are in bad shape as well. I have had them almost two weeks now, the women had told me they were born on September 2nd, yet they aren't nearly close to b eaing feathered out yet! The chick with the deformed skull passed away last night. I just don't know what to do with these little guys to help them out, any suggestions? They are so sweet, slate shanks, white feet slate eyes, and are blue (passed away last night) self blue (I think) black and splash. The black one has consistently beat uyp the others....not sure what to do about that either?
Some info: I feed chick crumble, unmedicated 20% protein. I give them plain organic cultured in cup yoghurt every morning.
Thanks in advance for any info!!
Some info: I feed chick crumble, unmedicated 20% protein. I give them plain organic cultured in cup yoghurt every morning.
Thanks in advance for any info!!