Baby chicks outside? Help!

Yes, lol that's what I was thinking. I just wanted to make sure other people do it. I am nervous to lose chicks but I just cannot handle it anymore.
They'll huddle up for warmth. Also, the deeper the shavings, the more insulation and warmth will be generated. I know how you feel about chicks in the garage. It gets old.
Before I heard of folks using (people) heating pads for brooding, my family used seedling mats. Meant for sitting under seedling trays, they are immune to water, can be controlled by thermostats (nowadays they are digital), and won't cause a fire. Mine easily get up to 105 degrees F in a 75 degree room. Come in a variety of sizes too. I'll sleep better knowing I'm not going to burn anything or anyone up. Probably less expensive than a special coop heater?

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