Baby chicks under hen questions


Feb 24, 2022
My silkie hen has been sitting on eggs and one just hatched. I have a couple of questions.
I think her box is too big- the chicks probably can’t jump out of it, when could I change it and what could I replace it with?
What is suitable for the chicks to eat and drink out of thats also big enough for the hen?
Also could I pop more chicks under her when these hatch? I have 3 chicks under 3 days old. She has 6 eggs under her 3 of her own and 3 bigger eggs, I don’t know how many are fertile, the 3 chicks I have are also silkies.
Any advice welcome, this is the first time I’ve had chicks under a hen so I’m quite nervous
You could try adding the 3 chicks and see what she does. Sometimes the hen will accept them, sometimes she won't. But she'll likely abandon the remaining eggs.
You'd be surprised what little chicks can jump out of or into or on top of. If you provide a ramp, they'll learn quickly how to use it. Mom will go up or down the ramp, and they'll eagerly follow her.
Could you add more bedding or something to raise the floor of the box, or if it's big enough, even make a little ramp for them to get in and out of the box? Maybe some bits of scrap wood tied together for little 'steps'.
I would not change the box, or try to move her at this point with un-hatched eggs still - unless you put her in a confined area like a dog kennel or such. She chose that box to raise her chicks for a reason. If you change it, she'll likely abandon the remaining eggs. (If she hasn't already - adding more chicks will certainly make her forget the eggs.)
Most folks use a chick feeder and waterer, but you could use any small dish. Mama hen WILL tip things over so she can show the chicks how to scratch for their food. That's okay, as long as the spilled feed doesn't get buried in the bedding. If there's room, try a flat board or cookie sheet to place the feed and a low dish for water. (Put small pebbles or marbles in the water dish so chicks don't fall in and drown.)

Can you show us some photos of your set up and birds? It will help a LOT for more replies.
You could try adding the 3 chicks and see what she does. Sometimes the hen will accept them, sometimes she won't. But she'll likely abandon the remaining eggs.
You'd be surprised what little chicks can jump out of or into or on top of. If you provide a ramp, they'll learn quickly how to use it. Mom will go up or down the ramp, and they'll eagerly follow her.
Could you add more bedding or something to raise the floor of the box, or if it's big enough, even make a little ramp for them to get in and out of the box? Maybe some bits of scrap wood tied together for little 'steps'.
I would not change the box, or try to move her at this point with un-hatched eggs still - unless you put her in a confined area like a dog kennel or such. She chose that box to raise her chicks for a reason. If you change it, she'll likely abandon the remaining eggs. (If she hasn't already - adding more chicks will certainly make her forget the eggs.)
Most folks use a chick feeder and waterer, but you could use any small dish. Mama hen WILL tip things over so she can show the chicks how to scratch for their food. That's okay, as long as the spilled feed doesn't get buried in the bedding. If there's room, try a flat board or cookie sheet to place the feed and a low dish for water. (Put small pebbles or marbles in the water dish so chicks don't fall in and drown.)

Can you show us some photos of your set up and birds? It will help a LOT for more replies.
Thank you, I wasn’t planning to add the other chicks until she’s done hatching hers, they’re under a heat plate at the moment, I was just wondering if she’d be ok with extra chicks or is there a risk she’d harm the extras. She did have the option of different boxes originally but she went broody with other hens so I think she picked the most confined one. There is no bedding, her nest box has a blanket, she had broken and eaten a few eggs and a lot of flies were attracted to the nest so I changed her to a blanket. Usually in a brooder I use several small dishes, do I just do the same? Should I leave the bigger ones for the hen or just use all small dishes? I will get a picture
This is the box from the outside and the inside. Little chick even popped out to say hi.
There is space to put a little dish of food and water in the nest box for now if needed? I could build the height up once all chicks are hatched?


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