Baby Cockatiels!!!

Lil Bird Blew

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 18, 2013
Well, I have some good news! My pet cockatiels just got hatchlings! So far, 3 have hatched. They are around 3 days old right now. The yellow adult is the female. The gray adult is the male.

I'm so proud of this lil family!
I have 5 cockatiels, 2 mating pairs. All of which are over 2 years old. I have them a nesting box attached to their cage and they are always laying eggs. They will sit on their eggs but after awhile they throw the eggs out of the nesting box. This has been going on for about a year and havent hatched one yet. What could be causing the non fertile eggs?
There are many causes of infertile eggs in cockatiels: infertile birds, incompatible pairs or an overly aggressive hen. If your birds are tossing the eggs out of the nest, they may not even be infertile. Cockatiels don't usually toss their infertile eggs out of the nest. It may be an issue with your nest box. The opening is probably too low. It should be high up on the box so that the parents have to climb in and down. Create a "lip" on the nest box and that should prevent your cockatiels from tossing out their eggs. Hope I was of some help.
Cockatiels usually don't have fertile eggs until their 3rd year.I also have 4 youngsters that came out of the nest about 3 weeks ago.They slam into the wire so hard when they come out of the nest, you'd think they are going to break their necks.Mine live outside in a 6x12x8 aviary yearound.
In N.H.,Tony.
Thanks for the info. My nesting box has a lip for the entry but its only about an inch. Is that a big enough lip? If not how big should the lip be?

You say your birds live outside year round? What has to be done for them to survive the winter outside?
I would say that an inch is too small of a lip. A good size lip should be about 4 inches in order to keep the nest material and eggs in. With a lip that's only an inch, the birds can still roll the eggs out.
Thanks for the info. My nesting box has a lip for the entry but its only about an inch. Is that a big enough lip? If not how big should the lip be?

You say your birds live outside year round? What has to be done for them to survive the winter outside?
I poly their entire cage.The roof is always covered yearround with metal roofing.They need to be outside now to ensure they will produce the down that keeps them warm thru the winter months.You get much happier and healthier birds raising them outside.The aviary they live in is 6'x12'x8'.
In N.H.,Tony.

These are old pics.I have added 3 more pens to the left side and have another 5 8x16x10 in another area.These pens are for my pheasants,but I have diamond doves and cockatiels living with grey peacock pheasants.The peacock pheasants require heat in the winter,but I have raised them for 3 years outside with just the poly and they do great.My pheasant hen lays her first egg in feb,so I guess they are fine with their pen.
In N.H.,Tony.

In N.H.,Tony.

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