Baby Duckling with a head tilt -


7 Years
Mar 1, 2012
About 2 weeks ago at my local market we purchased to baby ducklings "Kamikaze & Fetta". The where yellow and I would say around 4wks - 6wks old. Everything was going fine and smoothly with the Little ones till I came home to find the larger one "kamikaze" has a head tilt and a lil bit of a tilt when walking. Eating and drinking is still fine. I have rang many vets and haven't been able to get any answers.
Any feedback or advice would be highly appreciated.

Jess xo
Make SURE you feed them game bird starter crumbles. It contains the niacin that ducks need.
Wry neck is a sign of lack of niacin. (and so is lameness)

Also provide lots of water for drinking.
I have a duck that had this problem. It is called wry neck. I believe it is a B vitamin (thiamine) problem. Give your duck 3-4 drops of polyvisol (WITHOUT iron) every day. You can toss the drops in chopped up kale or romaine and serve as a treat. Polyvisol is a human infant multi vitamin drop which can be found at walmart for $7. My duck recovered 100% after about a week of treatment.

Best of luck!
Thanks all.
Since giving my duck the multivitamin his head is much better.
Also another problem has arrived - He isn't walking on his feet anymore, He is mobile my hopping around and walking on his shanks.
His shanks have gone swollen and are warm. I am trying my best to keep duck comfortable, although he doesn't seem in pain.
I am taking him on a ride to the animal welfare league in Kemp's creek NSW to hopefully see a vet.

Anyone been through the same? any advice?
I have not encountered that issue.... yet. Hope someone answers your last post. However, I am curious as to what you are feeding your ducklings?

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