Baby duckling with suspected Prolapse vent and need advice to help fix

Can you get the duckling to this place? It's about 50 minutes from your location:

This is even closer:
UPDATE: I talked to them both and Colony doesn't do ducks and Petcare could not fit us in until next week, we ended up taking it to another vet that Petcare suggested and they saw him today. Doctor said the vent looks fine and that with Xray, he saw leg was fractured but already showing mending naturally, which I mentioned we have been trying to do light physical therapy in warm baths for that and it seems to be working as the duckling is walking on it and doc said it looks like it will heal nicely and that the xray also showed it is not backed up but that its intestine is full and just needs to process so suggested to just give water for 24 hours to let it process naturally and see if that works. They are going to check in with us on Monday to see how the baby is progressing by then.
Update: The vet must have been wrong because our little baby passed suddenly this morning appearing to gasp for air and I had to helplessly hold it and watch it happen. This never gets easier no matter how many times I experience lost. I am heartbroken.

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