Baby Emu cant stand up???

Lol my donkey's name is Keith... but you knew that
emu's are amazing! i really want one, but i dont live in the proper area
they make a full grown chicken look like a parakeet!

did you say he can't walk yet and you incubated him at around 100 degrees with chickens? Maybe he is slow because of the heat, no idea. Have you been giving him much training, the proper footing to set his legs(carpet) or reason to start walking around. I don't have much emu experience but I would give him water and food in small supervised quantities when he starts pecking at things. Hard boiled egg yolk , with some grit, seems to be a good transition - then combo with salad greens in tiny bits too when he is eating. Food and water go well food under or on top of water to get him eating and drinking. Use caution.

Cute blobs when they are born. I think their yolk reserve lasts a while but not 10 days on its own.

keep posting,

I have the same problem you have with my new baby emu. It's legs are splayed out. Can you please tell me how you made your spint. I am giving it vitamens right now--thought it was a vitamin deficiency.


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