Baby Parakeets: Official Thread

Hi 77,

Sounds like you've gathered a good amount of information and supplies. I wouldn't be too worried about the oldest egg. Your hunch may be right. Can you hear anything yet?

I think you can order hand feeding formula on line...but you have what you need so far. Is the formula that was sent to you Exact? Whatever it is...try to find the same type. You do not want to change formula on the must do so in a very gradual way if you ever do have change the formula. The suggestion about only making a little at a time...was a good one. I'm not kidding they can only take about a drop or two at each feeding for the first several days. You really do need to feed about every hour. It's a killer. One of the parakeets lived for 12 years and was a remarkable bird. He had no idea he was a bird! It can be done but, it is very, very difficult. Getting past the first five days is the biggest test. Good Luck...keep us posted.
Yes, I sent her Exact, plus two extra 3cc syringes. Hope she gets to use them. This is a long shot at best, but I wanted her to at least have some Exact formula to start out with rather than something she made up herself. I know it is a long shot but I just wanted to show her support in her trying something very hard. If no one tried something very hard once in a while, where would we all be? I am proud of her for trying at least. If she makes it three days I will still be very proud of her. If she makes it 24 hours I will still be proud of her. It is a beginning of reaching beyond your grasp and I want to foster that in someone, ANYone!
Thanks so much everyone!

onethespot- the formula and 2 syringes arrived yesterday! Now we are just waiting.

The oldest egg really doesn't look too good(this is the one that has a small dent in it but had no problems developing). No movement inside that I can see. The outside shell looks darker than the other egg and there's like this brownish-gray color on the outside shell near the dent. I'm worried that bacteria somehow got in through the dent.

The other egg looks OK. Not very much movement but that could be because it's getting ready to hatch. I'm not giving up on them yet, since they are due at the end of the week/during the weekend.
I'm really hoping they hatch soon because if they aren't out by Friday, I'm going to have to bring them with me again on an hour drive to my dad's house(can't leave them at my mom's house because they would hatch while I wasn't there). I already had to bring them once to my mom's house, but luckily I had a lamp to warm them. My dad's car doesn't have any plug-ins for the lamp.
Hopefully they don't get too cool on the ride there.

That's all for now. I've just been hand turning the eggs every day, before bed, and right when I wake up. If the oldest doesn't hatch by the end of this weekend, I'm going to have to assume that it's dead. I'm even starting to feel a little worried about the second egg(that doesn't have any dents in it).
No baby parakeets have hatched yet. Starting to worry a bit but not giving up on them yet. I would be really disappointed if they didn't even hatch.

I'm really worried about the ride back to my dad's house with no heat for the eggs. It will be over an hour long!
Hopefully(if any of the eggs are good), no harm will be done. I will just wrap them in a thick towel(leaving a hole for ventilation).
Do you have any kind of water bottle or something you could put hot water in and wrap that with them in the towel? Or one of those hand warmer things ? Those would help keep it warm longer
Even a plastic ziploc with hot water in maybe put inside an oven mitt or something for them to lay on.

Good luck!

Well, the eggs didn't make it.
The one with a dent in it died of bacterial infection just before it was ready to hatch and the other died of an unknown reason before it was going to hatch(maybe temp. was wrong or maybe hum.)
I was disappointed because that was my only shot at it until next Summer because now it's too later. School is starting in 2 weeks and I couldn't possibly incubate more eggs, and then feed them every 2 hours while managing school! LOL it's literally impossible, and plus we don't have any parakeet eggs to incubate. So I will wait until next year to try again maybe.

Sorry onthespot if I disappointed you, too.
You sent the formula and syringes and now none of it can be used until next year. But thanks so much anyways! It was very very very kind of you.

Thanks everyone for all the help and advice. I'm pretty sure that if the eggs would have hatched with no problems, I would have been able to take care of them well thanks to all the info everyone gave me.

Hopefully it works out better next year!

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