baby possum in coop, suggestions!

Possum? I think you might have dinner
Just jokin'

No need to kill it. No need to kill every predator within a 10mile radius. Just protect your flock with better wire, coops and run. What give us the right to kill animals for trying to survive. If people would just build better protection for our chickens, we can coexist.

Thank GOD there are rational people like you, tiffany, out there.​
Thank GOD there are rational people like you, tiffany, out there.

I agree 100% with both of you. I have a whole family of them in my garden. I'm new to chickens but have let the opossums stay. They eat all of my rotten wine grapes, take care of rats and mice and they stay out of our way! If they choose to dig under the hardware cloth and enter the chicken coop, well that's my fault not theirs, no need to kill them for it.
I'm a live and let live sort of girl, but I must say that since possums have cleaned out two songbird nests that I was watching, they are welcome to get the "h" out of my yard. I won't cheer when my dogs kill one, but it doesn't wreck my day, either. And the minute they start messing with my chickens, I'm going on the offensive.

If they break into the coop I am carefully constructing to protect my girls, that's their fault, not mine.
I don't mean to offend anyone. Seriously, I can see both sides of the coin and both sides spend...I know songbirds get eaten every day of the week, circle of life, yada yada, but I'm at the top of the foodchain in MY yard.
I have 38 of my 39 years on the same 3 acre parcel of land. For well over half that time, we have had chickens here. My current coop is the first one that is covered or reinforced. One was even in the edge of the woods themselves. We have also had goats and horses here. All the time, we have had possums. We usually keep a bowl of cat food and a bowl of water at the back door for them. I have never had one to kill a chicken or give one of our animals a disease. They might have taken a few eggs over the years, but only if the eggs were left out overnight. We have raised many orphans and turned them loose. I do not believe they are any threat at all to chickens. Can't convince me of that when I have seen them all around the coops for 30 years without a dead chicken from them yet. I would pick the baby up by his tail and put him out of the coop. If he really concerns you, take him off to some woods somewhere and set him free. There is no reason at all to kill him. A great man once said, "The greatest thrill is not to kill, but to let live."

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