Back from another show! PICTURES


15 Years
Sep 8, 2007
San Rafael, California
Well we're back from yet another show!
Once again it was 2.5 hours away. I see a pattern going on here. Luckily our next one is 15 minutes away, thank god. Anyway, the show was loads of fun and we did very well! It was Darth Vader (black bantam cochin cock) and Princess Leia's (splash bantam cochin pullet) first show, which was exciting.

Starting off with Fabio! He got a 1st, Reserve Variety, and Reserve Breed! WOW way to go you stud muffin, you!

Next up, Skipper! She did REALLY well, with a 1st, Best of Variety, and Best of Breed (yes, there were other bantam rocks, lol!)

Summer got 2nd!

Barbie got 3rd!

As usual Cali (quail d'anver) gave a big "F YOU" to the judge and refused to show her pretty side for him, and even me when I finally brought the camera around. When she fans her tail and carries herself proudly she's very lovely, trust me.


Girly was, as usual, trying to jump out of her cage and into the arms of everyone that walked by her cage, including the judge. She wasn't as matured as the other milles, but was the only pullet so she got a 1st.

Princess Leia was being a bit of a spaz (how un cochin like and rude!) but she was the only Splash and so got first by default. I kind of wanted SOME competition, becuase she is a nice bird, and I'd like to see more splashes at shows!

Last but CERTAINLY not least is Darth Vader! This little man got a 1st, and Reserve Variety out of some VERY tough competition. When I put him in his cage I looked around at the 12 other black bantam cochins and went "jeesh, there are some nice birds here. But I think he'll pull out on top." that was, until I spotted the gorgeous cockerel who won best variety, who went on to win Champion Featherlegged! But Darth Vader still did magnificent with such tough competition!
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Actually we're thinking we probably wont be selling the cochin eggs... The problem is, fertility! Darth Vader doesn't exactly know how to do his job yet LOL!
Actually we're thinking we probably wont be selling the cochin eggs... The problem is, fertility! Darth Vader doesn't exactly know how to do his job yet LOL!

Well I hope he figures it out, they are unbelievable, so beautiful!
Yes I did! I meant to take a pic of him but forgot (im so ADD about taking pictures sometimes x.x) but his Cubalaya won Reserve AOSB! He was on champion row at the last show too! I think I'll steal him next time I'm at a show that he's at...
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Yes I did! I meant to take a pic of him but forgot (im so ADD about taking pictures sometimes x.x) but his Cubalaya won Reserve AOSB! He was on champion row at the last show too! I think I'll steal him next time I'm at a show that he's at...

That's great to hear! I was going to ask his mom on Monday, I know he took other birds, We'll see what he placed with those! Yeah, I remembered he was on Champion Row last time, he's an awesome roo. LOL, good luck. Zach keeps a VERY close eye on that bird.

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