Back from Death


10 Years
May 17, 2009
Hello, I have an interesting chick story for you. Well, the other day I got a bunch of chicks in the mail from a well known hatchery. The local post lady called me to tell me to come quickly that most of the chicks were dead. When I went and got them, I rushed the chicks home to see how many survived. There was about 18 alive ones and 20 dead. The dead chicks were literally all stiff. So, I called my husband to tell him what had happened to our chicks. He told me to put the heat lamp on the box with the dead chicks . I didn't think it would work, but I thought I had nothing to lose. Sure enough, a few minutes later I heard chirping from inside the box. When I looked inside, the biggest and the cutest RIR was staring back at me. He is now running around in a brooding box with the others totally unaware of amazing little journey.
Wonder if he saw the white light, the tunnel and his brief life unfold before him minute by minute....Too bad he was the only baby to be brought back from the dead. He will probably turn out to be a very special chicken! Good luck with your survivors!

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