Back from the Salon, and Rooster can't recognise the hens because of their new 'do's


7 Years
Dec 16, 2015
I gave my polish girls a haircut, so they could get a new perspective on the world around them, and now the idiot rooster doesn't seem to recognize them, he chased and attacked one of the nicest hens until she was half buried under some wood, I had to put him in a boo box.

Has this happened to anyone else ?

I am guessing after a while that this would calm down and I can let him out ?
Some roosters aren't too smart, but they are visual creatures, I would keep him penned somewhere he can see them but not touch for a day or so than see what happens.
Some roosters aren't too smart, but they are visual creatures, I would keep him penned somewhere he can see them but not touch for a day or so than see what happens.

Ah, yes, that's what I suspected. Thanks for the confirmation.

Plus, he is such a handful of a rooster, I think a few days won't do me any harm.
"Hello strange lady! After observing you for a while, I have determined that you remind me of my dear missing Mildred. So much, in fact, that I will call you Mildred."
"...I am Mildred."
"That's the spirit!"

Perhaps next time you could do the haircuts in sight of the rooster. Our chickens don't seem to care how we rearrange their run, so long as they can see the process happening.
"Hello strange lady! After observing you for a while, I have determined that you remind me of my dear missing Mildred. So much, in fact, that I will call you Mildred."
"...I am Mildred."
"That's the spirit!"

Perhaps next time you could do the haircuts in sight of the rooster. Our chickens don't seem to care how we rearrange their run, so long as they can see the process happening.

Frank is that you ??

They forget when I put food right in front of them, takes them like 5 minutes and they're like 'how bout something to eat ? '

The rooster has been separate for about a day and I put him in the roost with them tonight, he better be good or else !
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