Backyard Biosecurity a free cd from the USDA???


10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
Pearl River,Louisiana
Just my brain going again...?? Our Govt.?? While thumbing threw my new Poultry Press paper I stumbled over this add for a free cd from the USDA. This is kinda bringing me back to the TSC wanting personal info from people buying chicks. You catch my drift??? You want a free cd on poultry diseases just give us your address and we will mail you one.? Since I am really not one to trust, I would like to hear other peoples views on this..
I have to say I agree w you. I just got my first copy of poultry press this week. There is a quarter page add for this free cd. I guess I want people to be aware that this free cd may be a bigger issue later down the road. I also believe its a ploy to get addresses from unsuspecting people. Lets try to keep this going(nicely) for unsuspecting people wanting info...You really can't turn down a paying customer(??ad??)

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