Backyard Brahmas!!

I hope others see this and chime in, I know you are very worried. I would try scrambled eggs, that would be my first choice. Have you tried gently massaging her crop?

I did try scrambling an egg for her, she picked at it for a bit. She ate maybe 1/4 of it or so. I also tried soaking abou 1/4 of a piece of bread in olive oil on the off chance it was some kind of impacted crop issue. She ate that ok and I massaged several times, but didn't seem to make a difference. She picked st some apple earlier, and will eat a couple sunflower seeds or meal worms here and there. But won't touch any kind of actual chicken feed.

At nine months old has she layed an egg at all? Or did she start laying then stop? 
My guess is that she may have egg peritonitis. Sometimes the bird is so filled with infection that when you lift them up it presses on their lungs making them gasp. A heavy worm load can do this also but in your other post you said you dosed for worms a couple weeks ago right? Did you make an appointment at the vet yet? Please keep us posted.

Yes she had been laying for about 2 months. Her last egg was the day before I brought her inside. They had always been very normal. Not even any wonky "just started laying" eggs.
I did worm her with 5drops if ivermectin drench on the back if her neck about a week ago. There have not been any signs of worms in her poo or anything either.
I bought some Tylan 50, but haven't used it. She doesn't have any of the classic respiratory symptoms. No mucous or sneezing. She just has no appitite or energy.
I'm afraid you might be right that it's some kind of infection. Unfortunately I don't have a vet that specializes in birds nearby. I have one vet I have not been able to reach yet who might look at her, as he does small animal and livestock. But it's just a maybe. Our weather has been really really extreme and I'm hesitant to even take her out to get her to the was -20F yesterday. It's warmer today about 8 last time I looked but now we have windchill...


I'm pretty sure that these are boys. Just want to double check. About 8 months.

A couple of my LF Buff Brahmas. I usually keep about 15 as pets.

Love the Buffs. Just lost the only one I ever had in October. She almost made it to 10 years old. But, the Partridge and Blue Partridge are doing very well. Here is Bruno, the Partridge, and Bash (Sebastian), the Blue Partridge boy. Two of the five girls are now laying-they're about 29-30 weeks old.


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