Backyard Brahmas!!


Here's a pic from yesterday. He is only a little bigger, but his comb is much more pronounced. Her head is much wider but her comb hasn't started popping up yet. How awful is it to separate pairs? Does the loud peeping last long? It's so sad to hear them calling to eachother. I've always rehomed my birds in pairs, any opinions are welcomed!

My opinion, looking at this photo, there is a decent chance they are both cockerels.

Here's a pic from yesterday. He is only a little bigger, but his comb is much more pronounced. Her head is much wider but her comb hasn't started popping up yet. How awful is it to separate pairs? Does the loud peeping last long? It's so sad to hear them calling to eachother. I've always rehomed my birds in pairs, any opinions are welcomed!

OH! So sorry Brahmama, I've never had to rehome, so not sure how to go about it when separating. All the best to you! Still seeing what we have here, but we have 1 suspect as a cockeral, will try to get pics up soon of all of them. They really are beautiful, no matter what gender!
These are a few shots of my 3 this evening (had to bribe them away from the others while out roaming the yard!). Sorry, Brahmama, but yours do look more roo-ish at this stage than mine
. Best of luck in rehoming, but if you hang on to them, and all 3 of ours turn out pullets (we again suspect 1 cockeral in the bunch, so no guarantees), then I will gladly trade you a pullet for a roo! DH really wants a Brahma roo, the size will help with predators and they are GORGEOUS! Keep us all posted on here and I will do the same, since a single roo doesn't seem a bad thing to us
. If anyone has an input on the gender of mine, it would be greatly appreciated! They are all around 3/4 of a kilo (near a pound and a half), none have any color yet to the comb, a couple are just starting to show the signs of wattles. They (just like Brahmama's) hatched July 10.

nicole63021 isn't it hard to take pictures of three at a time! Does one of the three have a different tail than the other two at this stage? More puffy?
"Cinnamon" just looks different in a few ways than the others. Less feathering all around so far, and it's the one with a little bit of wattles showing. It's also the most "leggy" one in the group, compared to the body. The primary feathers are also a little more split in color than the other two, which clearly have a defined lace edge. Not really sure of gender, but that's just the one that seems the most unlike the others, and with a little wattle on it, can only start to assume it could be a he.

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