Backyard Brahmas!!

A couple pics from this beautiful evening. I LOVE these dang birds. I'm so glad to finally have some! :)


Pics of the littles next
Blanche (Golden Girl, lol)


Partridge boy

Nobody was too excited about posing on the slippery, pollen-covered trash can, lol.

Splash boy.

He is SO sassy and difficult- no side profile for him, he said. But then he gives me this cute hiney shot so all is forgiven :lau

And one last one, just because it cracks me UP. You would think these guys were full grown. Marans vs Brahma

These kids are getting big FAST. :O
Hey guys, question for you. Hubby and I are interested in this breed and are looking for some advice. We live in Florida where the weather can be pretty darned hot. Do any of you live in a similar climate and if you do how well do these guys tolerate heat?

Appreciate the information. Thank you :)
Hi Serica. Obviously, I live in Brazil...I live in the tropics, and have Brahmas. It gets up to 40ºC at times in the summer, mostly it´s around 38º for months. During the day my Brahmas hang out in the shade, panting at times if they´re not in a cool place. But so far they´re ok, and I´ve had them for a few years.
Blanche (Golden Girl, lol)

Partridge boy

Nobody was too excited about posing on the slippery, pollen-covered trash can, lol.

Splash boy.

He is SO sassy and difficult- no side profile for him, he said. But then he gives me this cute hiney shot so all is forgiven

And one last one, just because it cracks me UP. You would think these guys were full grown. Marans vs Brahma

These kids are getting big FAST. :O

A couple pics from this beautiful evening. I LOVE these dang birds. I'm so glad to finally have some!

Pics of the littles next
Lovely birds.


Young boss (last year hatch)

happy hen .....
fingers are crossed for her little ones in the brooder to look as good as her and her sisters.
Also adding some blue orp's. to the mix this year. Can't wait to see the added color in the yard....
Am I the only who gets a kick outta watching brahmas run?!?! :gig
My honeys absolutely tickle me to death. :weee Most of them duck real low and take off like a torpedo and a few kinda do this fast waddle walk. It's a beautiful morning here in French Camp, MS watching my honeys do their walkabout. I hope everybody else's mornings are this great. :D
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Am I the only who gets a kick outta watching brahmas run?!?! :gig
My honeys absolutely tickle me to death. :weee Most of them duck real low and take off like a torpedo and a few kinda do this fast waddle walk. It's a beautiful morning here in French Camp, MS watching my honeys do their walkabout. I hope everybody else's mornings are this great. :D
they are funny looking runners. I have 1 that reminds me of that jesus lizard that runs on water.

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