Backyard Brahmas!!

Thanks!! In other news, I took a really close look at the combs of the three new babies with broody.. They are uber young yet, BUT if my comb judgement holds, I have a cockerel and two pullets. Will keep an eye on those.
Somehow I accidentally trained my first batch of pullets to go into the run when I grab the straw broom.

I've never chased any of them with it or threatened them in any way but every time I'd take the broom and start sweeping the cobblestone walk between their run and the sidewalk leading to the house they'd all run back into the run and up into the coop. I don't know if the sound and motion was frightening to their very impressionable 5 wk old selves or what. But to this day, I grab the broom and walk towards the door and they run inside. They've taught three batches of chicks since to do the same.
As far as flock manners go, I guess there's definitely something to be said for learning from their elders.

Wow! Thats amazing! Maybe i should install a cobblestone walk. :p
But no saddle feathers yet.. It's hard enough to get a decent front shot right now so we'll settle for face shots? Good.

Oh- and those with Partridge, please tell me if the colors of what I assume to be two blue cockerels and two blue pullets, is incorrect. The pattern of the more "yellow" pullets is different right now from the for-sure gold pullets. But I've only ever had a gold pullet so I've not seen the blue develop.

Cockerel #1

Cockerel #2

Blue pullet (just one bc she looks the same as the other one lol)

And last, gold pullet. Again, just one because they look the same.

I love that last pullet´s partridge colouring, very nice. Lovely chicks.

And cc, for saddle feathers, I do have one older cockerel. He's closer to 4/5 mos.. He's the one I was complaining of having the color bleed-thru on his breast. It seems to be thinning as he grows and his feathers have to cover more ground, but not going away:

That´s a great pic to show the saddle feathers. My cockerel also has just a little colour on his breast, but I like him anyway because of his strong dark mahogany colouring...also shows the saddle feathers.

My friend got a brahma last week to replace the one that was killed by her dog. It was mean to her other 2 pullets so she gave it to me. The lady she got it from said it was 3-4 months old, but mine is 13 weeks and much bigger and more feathered. I don't have any pictures yet, but hers has one rust colored feather on one shoulder. I know light brahma roosters don't have any color besides black and white, but what are the odds this is a pullet with roo coloring vs a Cockrell pulling red ? Also, it has a much deeper voice and more vocal than mine.
Hi, new to the discussion forum, here. I just wanted to let you know my experiences with the two hatcheries I've ordered from. Ideal down in Tx. was not so great.....Ordered 10 total chicks, 3 were to be straight run, the other 7 were to be sexed pullets. They included 6 cockerels for extra body heat in shipping, and when babies arrived, 6 were deceased or dying. All the ones that didn't make it were the birds we ordered. So we ended up raising 10 chicks, and a grand total of 8 of those were roosters. Ideal refunded our money for the chicks, but did not ever get around to refunding our money for chick starter(with probiotics) that we ordered but didn't receive. Several weeks later we had to deal with the growing flock of roos, it just felt like overall, a lot of time and money to end up with two hens. Our second experience with My Pet Chicken was fantastic in comparison. We are in Wa state and these 8 chicks came with a heat pack and were thriving and strong compared to Ideals' shipment. Suffice it to say, I'd go back to MPC but never again to Ideal.....hope this helps!
We are also in Wa state and MPC got our brahma chicks and others to us with a heat pack, all 8 chicks were strong, healthy, and doing great. Ideal hatchery really botched our other chick order earlier in the year......I would go back to MPC anytime! Great experience.....
I'm sure I could've searched around and found all the answers I want but I like interaction so here goes.

I have 1 Brahma and she is very pretty. Looks like a little falcon or something. Anyways her and my Leghorn are difficult to deal with because they're so flighty. Is this typical for this breed? I knew it was for the Leghorn. I have BO, Delawares and these two. All the others are very friendly.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Hey K9Dave, I spoke to you on other sites and am having trouble wading through the brahma sites. I have six chickens (brahma, spec suss, aust, ee, orpin, lace wyan). The brahma and aust are 2 weeks younger than the other chickens. They are about 18 weeks old at this point. I also think the Aust is probably a week younger than the brahma. All the birds look and act healthy. The brahma is the sweetest girl, would sit in my lap all day. However, she eats constantly and is my smallest bird. The Aust has now surpassed her in size. They've all been wormed.I think I read somewhere that Brahma are slow growers. Can you or somebody else out there confirm this and maybe tell me a little more?
Brahma chicks are little piggys. They also do tend to grow slower than their production bred counterparts but will usually end up being much larger birds in the end.

A breeder on another site also said that they may not mature until 10+ months. This assuaged my fears. Thanks for responding.

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