Backyard Brahmas!!

We got a few Brahmas last spring. We'd heard that they're good winter layers, but these girls started doing the squat in December, and we got our first Brahma egg on Winter Solstice!
We're near Seattle, at 47.6097° N (a little further north than Quebec), and there's about 8.5 hours between sunrise and sunset on Solstice. But the clouds make for longer darkness than that. We have no lights in the coop/run.

The eggs are huge - they make regular eggs look like first-timers. Oh, wait. These are the Brahma's first eggs. hmmmmm.
We got a few Brahmas last spring. We'd heard that they're good winter layers, but these girls started doing the squat in December, and we got our first Brahma egg on Winter Solstice! 
We're near Seattle, at [COLOR=222222]47.6097° N (a little further north than Quebec), and there's about 8.5 hours between sunrise and sunset on Solstice. But the clouds make for longer darkness than that. We have no lights in the coop/run.[/COLOR]u got any pics of the birds?

[COLOR=222222]The eggs are huge - they make regular eggs look like first-timers. Oh, wait. These are the Brahma's first eggs. hmmmmm.[/COLOR]
No pics. They're just the standard monster white with black markings on the head and tail.

DH got me 12 chicks last spring without being sure what he was getting. We ended up with 4 Brahma, 4 Barred Rocks, and 4 Japanese Bantams. The only roo was one of the bantams, and he is gorgeous.
Mine do not lay monster sized eggs. But they are big birds. My neighbors rir's eggs are huge compared to my brahma eggs. But my birds look like they could eat his
Mine do not lay monster sized eggs. But they are big birds. My neighbors rir's eggs are huge compared to my brahma eggs. But my birds look like they could eat his
I agree, my Brahma eggs are smaller than my sex link girl's egg. They have a larger one now and then, but for the most part just a normal "large" egg (which by my standards isn't that big lol)..
I have two lt. Brahma hens laying one of them gives me a medium egg every other day the other a huge double yolk every other day. My 21 week old buff orpington and new Hampshire both just started laying and give me very small eggs every day. Hoping they will get bigger.

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