Backyard Brahmas!!

Cute pics from yesterday.. We moved the laying boxes from their original too-high location (originally planned a ladder but changed my mind) to lower level. Big Boy cracked me UP.. He got that big hiney in there juuust a talkin' to his ladies..


(Muffled voice) "Oooh LOOK girls!! See? You can fit right in!!" "And then you just tur-... Wait, you turn ar-... Hold on, lemme just-"

*falls out backward* :lau

He seemed proud for initiating curiosity, but really I think the girls are saying, "WHAT made him think he'd fit in THERE!?" :gig

Cute pics from yesterday.. We moved the laying boxes from their original too-high location (originally planned a ladder but changed my mind) to lower level. Big Boy cracked me UP.. He got that big hiney in there juuust a talkin' to his ladies..


(Muffled voice) "Oooh LOOK girls!! See? You can fit right in!!" "And then you just tur-... Wait, you turn ar-... Hold on, lemme just-"

*falls out backward* :lau

He seemed proud for initiating curiosity, but really I think the girls are saying, "WHAT made him think he'd fit in THERE!?" :gig


To funny!!
Just wanted to share some pictures of my Brahmas. Still working on getting some of breeding quality. Please feel free to share your opinions.

Currently penned together:
1 Splash rooster
1 Gold Brahma rooster
1 Blue/Gold Partridge hen
1 Blue Laced Red hen
2 Buff Laced hens
1 Black Brahma (Dark Brahma) x Cochin cross (Lemon blue rooster)
1 White Brahma " " not pictured
Just wanted to share some pictures of my Brahmas. Still working on getting some of breeding quality. Please feel free to share your opinions.

Currently penned together:
1 Splash rooster
1 Gold Brahma rooster
1 Blue/Gold Partridge hen
1 Blue Laced Red hen
2 Buff Laced hens
1 Black Brahma (Dark Brahma) x Cochin cross (Lemon blue rooster)
1 White Brahma " " not pictured
Nice! I like crazy colors!
I was planning on getting Brahmas since all my research pointed me to them . Now I am reading that they eat a ton of food . About how much does one brahma chicken eat a day . I was planning on the large ones as I can not get the bantams locally , which is what I would prefer ( I think) .
They are not feed efficient birds. I don't have exact numbers for you but it takes more food to support their size, think Labrador vs beagle....both have the same active lifestyle but labs are just larger and thus need more calories for maintenance purposes.
I was planning on getting Brahmas since all my research pointed me to them . Now I am reading that they eat a ton of food . About how much does one brahma chicken eat a day . I was planning on the large ones as I can not get the bantams locally , which is what I would prefer ( I think) .
I have 18 that are almost adults. They eat about 60 lbs of food a month. Like all chickens, they can waste a lot of food if you don't take care to minimize waste by optimizing your feeders. Some folks go through more food and some folks go through less. There are a lot of variables, how much is wasted, they eat more when they need more energy (i.e. it is cold) and eat less when they need less energy (i.e. it is warm). If you are trying to get them to butcher weight, you may want to make sure that they are given treats that are high in protein and fat. If they are laying hens, your feed bill should be more on the lower side. If you free range, they will pick up some of their meals from the insects and plants on your land. If they are cooped up, they need to get all of that food from your feed.

Sorry for the non-answer
You sort of have to individualize what your feed bill will be based on your particular situation. That said, I don't notice that they eat much more than any of the other breeds that I have had. Three bags of feed last me for about 2 months, but mine have a very large area to free range in. I feed them kitchen scraps and garden scraps during the summer. I have pecan trees that shed pecans for most of the year and they eat those if the nuts break (which they do when I walk on them). I have 11 pullets/hens and average about 7 eggs a day (most days). At $20 a bag for feed, I spend $60 for two months of feed and get 420 eggs (plus or minus) so I'm spending $1.71 per dozen based on feed alone. Add in the special treats, equipment, winter time for low laying, the 8 months of feeding them before they lay and everything else and I'm probably spending about the same if not more than I would if I bought 6 week old eggs from the grocery store. But, my eggs are fresh and I'm able to provide my neighbors and friends with a special treat of fresh eggs once a week. I also can take some of these eggs and replace my laying flock if I desire and therefore have a sustainable crop of food for myself and my family.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that whether brahmas are the right choice for you or not depends on what your end goal is. A lot of people go with bantams (which you can order from a hatchery if you would like to have them). Their eggs are slightly smaller, but they are certainly more thrifty than any of the large fowl breeds. But, there isn't much meat on one of those little guys......

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