Backyard Brahmas!!

Where did you get your original stock from?

The gold pullets came from Rich and Carrie Snyder at Country Star Farm in Ohio. My blue cock and two blue partridge pullets came from someone local, those pullets are not yet laying though.

Picasso, my blue cock

Jack at about 5 months old

Bella :)

Are they large fowl and how much will you be selling hatching eggs for?
They are large fowl. Not sure on price yet :)
In my opinion it all depends on what your goals are for your birds. If they are for your own personal enjoyment in a home flock, go crazy.

To my way of thinking it's when folks start advertising eggs/chicks/ birds for sale that it gets into a grey area. And it may not be just vulture hocks that is the issue here. I have seen some "lavender Brahmas" being hawked as rare exotic new varieties that look much more like leghorns in type. If these people are newbies that got duped, that is one thing, but when they venture into trying to sell offspring of such terribly poor examples that have no business claiming to be Brahmas I feel they cross the line.
I see your point. I definitely want to keep with the Brahma type, as that is what I like. If I liked Leghorns, I'd raise Leghorns, not As always, thanks for the input...:)
Not a great pic. My camera kind of stinks at getting the color right. I had to put the poor thing in the sink to get a shot that was not all yellowed.

This is one of 4 Dark Brahma that I got. She is really mellow so far.
The light and the buff are to quick for me to catch in the brooder. This is only day 2 with them. I think they need to gain some trust with me before I can catch them without causing tiny heart attacks.
This little lady is already more than a week old. I am thinking she may have some nice coloring/marking when she is grown.
It's been a while since I posted. My light brahmas are almost a year old now. While they aren't perfect- which I don't care Nout perfection because these first birds are eggers only- they're perfect for us.

That said, I do have some black copper marans that are from a show quality line. It's going to be fun to see the babies the culled egg only mixes make.

First baby brahmas have hatched this year.
I missed being here! (and talking to you, Bumpercarr)
I took a little time off. I'm having fun catching up on everyones' posts.

These two babies are in the "backyard brahma" post for a reason - ha!. They are from my small flock of gold/buff laced - but there is a single splash roo in there atm. He is young and I didn't think he was doing rooster business, but they do look blue-ish to me. I need to figure out with the calculator (or all of your help) what I might have created and decide what to do with Mr. Splash

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