Backyard Brahmas!!

Have never raised darks, but the stance suggests male to me. But I usually don't get too excited about trying to sex them young.

Bumpercarr, liked your write up in scanner I got yesterday.
LOL. I'm still looking for some silkies! Let me know next time you've got some............

LOL. I'm still looking for some silkies! Let me know next time you've got some............


Might be a while before you see silkies on my place, lessen maybe the Cooper hawks get out of hand and I have to resort too using some sacrificial hawk bait/decoys so they target the littler, sight impaired, easy pluck models and leave the real birds alone..
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Might be a while before you see silkies on my place, lessen maybe the Cooper hawks get out of hand and I have to resort too using some sacrificial hawk bait/decoys so they target the littler, sight impaired, easy pluck models and leave the real birds alone..
You are my hero! I really wish that I had some of that. I can never think of anything witty to say!

Okay, picture day. I only took pictures of the really obvious ones so that you could see what I was talking about. I know absolutely nothing about lights or buffs, so these comments only apply to darks. These are all 17 day old chicks.

Definite female. No sign of dark wing line and heavy feathering already.

Probably a cockerel. Notice the dark line at the bottom of the wing and that he isn't nearly as feathered out as the pullet.

Also probably a cockerel. Notice the dark stripe.

Pullet, again, lack of dark stripe and she is more heavily feathered out than the cockerels.

Probably a pullet, but I'm not 100% sure. There is sort of a dark band on the wing, but she has more feathering than the cockerels. The other thing that worries me a little is the yellow in the down. Usually, this would mean a cockerel for me since all of these cockerels will be dark/partridge splits. But, other things tell me pullet. So, I'll have to wait and see on this one.

Hope this helps someone.
Just wanted to share this giant egg my blue partridge brahma laid today next to one of my Altistier's first eggs. It's 3.8oz.....cannot wait to open that sucker!

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That is a big egg!! I feel bad for the hen. My BA hen lays those everyday and she literally is screaming.the poor gen is 2 and still lays them everyday she misses about 1 day out of the week.

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