"Backyard chick" question...sexing by color??


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 30, 2011
Steelville, Missouri

We are so excited for our sweet banty hen to hatch chicks overnight last night. Question is...Why is one black? I know for a fact they are all her eggs and only one possible rooster. Could they be sexed because of the breed mix? Mama is a bantam red cochin and daddy I am not sure about. Here is his picture. He could even be a mixed breed also, we got him from a relative, who got him as a chick from someone else....

If chickens lay the same colored eggs, it is sometimes hard to pick out who's eggs are who's. I noticed a black hen in the backround with the rooster in it. Did possibly lay and egg and it got mixed up? But that black chick could just be genetic coloring also.
There is no way it is anyone else's egg. We only have one bantam and those are the only eggs she sat on. I am guessing that this must be the daddy coming out in the chick. UNLESS we end up with the two yellow being one gender and the black being another. Then it seems like it almost has to be a 'sex-link' thing. Thanks!

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