Backyard chickens need more regulation?


9 Years
They are suggesting mandating urban or micro flocks be be subject to the same requirements and oversight as commercial flocks...and we all know how well that works.

“What needs to happen, the author recommends, is that there be more laws that mandate vaccinations, manure management and general animal welfare in urban and suburban settings similar to policies and regulations imposed on commercial chicken ranches.

"Provisions governing animal slaughter and routine veterinary care are rare...”
They are suggesting mandating urban or micro flocks be be subject to the same requirements and oversight as commercial flocks...and we all know how well that works.
“What needs to happen, the author recommends, is that there be more laws that mandate vaccinations, manure management and general animal welfare in urban and suburban settings similar to policies and regulations imposed on commercial chicken ranches.... "Provisions governing animal slaughter and routine veterinary care are rare...”

At the risk of violating one of the rules of this forum, rules and regulations like those proposed above is exactly how humane organisations like SPCA, HSUS, and PETA propose and plan to outlaw all poultry husbandry, but especially small scale poultry or BackYard Chicken Husbandry like is practiced by the members of this forum.

These proposals are NOT put forward by the commercial poultry bizz but by groups who wishes to end ALL animal husbandry as cruel and exploitative. Count on it.

The only possiable reason commercial poultry cares about back yard chickens is because of bio-security and I'll wager that there are few if any commercial chickens being raised in hearing or smell of an urban or a suburban flock of BackYard Chickens. Read what centrachid wrote in another thread concerning the same subject.
"I do not think it is government as the driving force, rather other folks with vested interest of their own that is currently in opposition with smaller scale poultry keeping. The government is the medium through which those other parties must get their way, or not."

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