Backyard ducks in creek


Jul 6, 2019
We just bought and moved to a new house that has a beautiful creek on it. We brought our ducks with us and have built them an indoor and outdoor secure shed. The creek is nearby and we are looking for ideas on how to allow them access but to keep them from wandering down the creek. Does anyone has any suggestions? Thank you in advance!
We live in the country and have a brook 150 ft. behind our house, I keep about 300 ft. frontage mowed, weed whacked and the underbrush cleared out of the wooded areas so we have a clear view. I used to let our pekins and anconas go up and downstream but they will go too far and that's not good. A bright colored party balloon tied to a rock and put in the water on each end will keep them in for awhile but they'll figure it out in a few days. Next wi
And im not good with computers haha after the balloons I stretched yellow caution tape across the brook with balloons tied to it about a foot off the water and that worked great for a couple months but by the they were staying close to home anyway. Nowadays if they go too far I go through the woods to get around them, come crashing into the water and scare the hell out of them and have only had to do that once so far this year. ducks have taught me that time and patience are everything
Thank you both for your responses. We will try a few different things including your suggestions. Just hoping to give them a good life while keeping them safe.
I've got a creek around my property too that I've thought would be fun for the ducks to go explore, but I'm also concerned they will just wander off. Right now, unless I have peas with me in the red lid container (they see it and come running) I have VERY little chance of wrangling them back.
Sorry for the late reply, we are still unpacking from our move. We always have our peas in a metal bowl that has rings on the side and we "jingle" the bowl and they come running! Ducks and their peas...

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