Bad behavior = Goodbye!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
Wayne County, IN
I have an 9 month old Rhode Island Red Rooster who now has to leave. His insatiable appetite for mating, and what he will do to perform it has become a source of stress for my hens. In addition to these antics, he will not leave the new 8 week girls alone. Does anyone have any ideas on how to correct his behavior?

On the other hand, if anyone in Wayne County, Indiana needs an over active Rooster....
Roosters mate hens - a lot. It's just what they do. He will slow down as he maures, but will remain active. Separate, eat, relocate him.
i'm not trying to bash rhode island reds...... i love my red hens, they're laying machines..... but every rooster i've had with red in them, by this i mean momma is red and daddy is heinz 57...... but every single roo that comes from a red momma is mean,, not just to the wife n kids but also to his girls..... to solve this problem we had chicken soup!!!!!! all my other roos have been great, well mannered etc.... maybe it's the luck of the draw? made us sad cuz they're so purty.......

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